Sharps Program
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The Sharps MUST be contained in a sealed metal or hard plastic container, such as a coffee can or a detergent bottle with a screw-on lid (no milk jugs).
We all remember the old days when we were told to flush outdated medications down the drain or toilet, right? Oh so wrong!! Some medications, especially in areas were there are wells and septic systems, can leach and pollute drinking water. Anyone with an allergy could become ill by ingesting water contaminated with medications meant to heal. Even in septic systems, antibiotics can kill the natural enzymes necessary to kill the very bacteria which breaks down waste.
Bring your old meds, in their bottles, to our collections. SHARPS and Meds are collected by someone trained to handle them; they are disposed of in a safe and environmentally friendly way. Sorry, we can't accept controlled medications.
HHW Collections are held once per month in LaPorte County, May through October, though the locations of the Mobile unit change for this event. Please remember, we DO NOT accept latex paint.
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